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What is ‘Map of Nope’? Meme reveals US areas that won’t see total solar eclipse

People in America are eagerly waiting to witness a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. However, not everyone will get to enjoy the phenomenon in full.
“On April 8, 2024 a total solar eclipse will cross America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk,” NASA says.
Now a new map has been created to show that in reality, a majority of the US will not get to witness a complete solar eclipse. They will only see partial phases of the eclipse.
Eclipse cartographer and co-founder of Michael Zeiler has now produced the ‘Map of Nope’ – a meme showing a slender strip running diagonally across a US map. Phrases inside the map include “O! M! G!” and “Not Bad Eh?.” Outside the map, one can see several “Nope” and “Nada” words scattered. The headline of the map reads, “How to Read an Eclipse Map of the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.”
While areas within the strip will experience a total solar eclipse, the areas outside will not. “The point of the map is that a 99 per cent partial solar eclipse equals zero percent total solar eclipse,” Zeiler told Forbes.
“A common misconception that if someone is close to the path of totality, even in the zone of 99 per cent partial solar eclipse, then that person doesn’t need to travel and will see most of the eclipse phenomena,” he added.
Dr. Kate Russo, author, psychologist and eclipse chaser at Being in the shadow, coined the meme’s name. “Almost two years ago, during a presentation, I showed this map and called it the ‘Map of Nope,’ and I have been using that phrase ever since. US eclipse chasers like detailed maps, but this one is a very simple visual that easily conveys one key message—if you are not in the path of totality, you do not see the total solar eclipse,” she reportedly said.
Essentially, one can witness a full solar eclipse only on the path of totality. On April 8, the path will move across 10,000 miles. However, it will stretch only 115 miles wide. Around 31 million people live within the path, which covers parts of only 15 US states – Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
